
To build a theory, one needs to know a lot about the basic phenomena of the subject matter. We simply do not know enough about these, in the theory of computation, to teach the subject very abstractly. Instead, we ought to teach more about the particular examples we now understand thoroughly, and hope that from this we will be able to guess and prove more general principles.

Marvin Minsky. Form and Content in Conputer Science.



Domingo, 09/11/2014
OOtika: On the road again.

Ha llovido, ha hecho sol, ha nevado y no hemos hablado. Lloverá, nevará, el viento soplará y el sol lucirá y en la tensión entre pasado y futuro nuestra curiosidad está. Arrancamos con el Conjunto de Mandelbrot.

Conjunto de Mandelbrot

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